

皮尤西班牙裔中心的报告,“拉丁裔青少年留在高中:所有世代的挑战”(2004),国家拉丁裔高中辍学率为21%,是全国平均水平的两倍多,在10%。一个显着的原因归因于高辍学率低于有利的家庭环境和他们居住的社区。几乎10%的拉丁裔青少年没有和父母住在一起,是白人青少年的两倍还多。家长往往是推动高中学业成绩的重要来源和信息。只有51%的西班牙裔孩子有母亲自己完成了高中,相比之下,白人儿童的93%。如果没有一个稳定的家庭环境和父母可以树立一个积极的例子或帮助功课,这些边缘化的学生将继续处于不利地位相比,他们的同龄人。 Chrispeels和Rivero(2001)对移民父母的地方感的影响的探索性研究,在孩子的教育后,他们参加了一系列的亲子班。这些父母有机会参加由家长素质教育学院提供的课程了解美国的教育系统(煤气)。这项研究的第一个发现是,父母表示他们很难帮助孩子做作业,尤其是在家庭作业是英语的时候。Delgado Gaitan(在chrispeels & Rivero 2001引用)在她的研究中的拉美裔家庭,父母的所有英语作业课程带来的语言障碍被发现。这是一个远离恐吓因子中的亲子关系,这是一个支持系统至关重要的孩子。“即使父母有帮助的愿望,这是不可能的因为他们不能阅读或理解的分配。另一个原因是父母没有帮助家庭作业是许多工作,有几个其他的孩子,和很少的时间来帮助家庭作业。这些工作的父母期待着课后计划来帮助孩子完成家庭作业,这样他们回家后就不用担心了。本课程使父母获得煤气作业的效益意识,他们如何能监督我们的孩子学习。此外,家长们知道,重要的是要教孩子优先考虑功课和奉献的时间可以带来满意和成就感。最后的结果是增加家长参与孩子的教育,无论是在家里和学校。总之,这项研究表明,它是可能的父母发展更高水平的接触与他们的孩子,学校和教师。当他们在学校学习成功所需的东西时,父母可以为他们的孩子设定更明确的目标。


A Pew Hispanic Center report, “Latino Teens Staying in High School: A Challenge for All Generations” (2004), stated the national Latino high school dropout rate of 21% is more than twice the national average at 10%. A significant reason attributed to the high dropout rate was less than favorable family circumstances and the communities in which they reside. Almost 10% of Latino teens are not living with a parent, more than twice the rate for white teens. Parents can often be an important source of motivation and information that promote high school completion. Only 51% of Hispanic children have mothers who themselves have finished high school, in comparison to 93% of white children. Without a stable home environment and parents who can set a positive example or help with schoolwork, these marginalized students will continue to remain at a disadvantage compared to their peers.
Chrispeels and Rivero (2001) did an exploratory study on the effect of immigrant parents’ sense of place in their children’s education after they attended a series of parental classes. These parents were given the opportunity to learn about the American educational system by attending courses offered by the Parent Institute for Quality Education (PIQE). The first finding from the study was that parents indicated they had difficulty helping their children with homework, especially when the homework was in English. Delgado-Gaitan (as cited in Chrispeels & Rivero, 2001) found in her study of Latino families that “parents were intimidated by the language barrier posed by an all-English homework curriculum. This intimidation is a distancing factor in the parent-child relationships, which is crucial to a supportive system for children.” Even if parents had the desire to help, it was not possible because they could not read or understand the assignment. Another reason given by parents for not helping with homework was that many worked, had several other children, and little time to assist with homework. These working parents were expecting the after-school programs to assist the children with a completion of their homework so that when they got home they did not have to worry about it. The PIQE courses enabled parents to gain awareness of the benefits of homework and how they could monitor what the child is learning. Additionally, parents learned it is important to teach children to give priority to schoolwork and that dedicating the time could bring satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. The final outcome was increased parental participation in the child’s education, both at home and school. In conclusion, the study suggests that it is possible for parents to develop higher levels of engagement with their children, schools, and teachers. As they learn what is required for success in school, parents can set more specific goals for their children.

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