
澳洲悉尼经济学assignment代写 澳洲土著


澳洲悉尼经济学assignment代写 澳洲土著

Helping indigenous business to get competitive can expose their business increase, this will help indigenous business gain more valuable experience and service delivery. Not to mention the government are the largest purchasing of goods and services in the Australian economy. Therefore, opportunities for indigenous business are to deliver government service to other area and region with a high population of indigenous people. This support part role from the government to indigenous businesses is to build their capacity to purchase for contracts from the government. Therefore, it not an easy task for an indigenous business to be successful in region area because as mention their need a lot of support from the government to be successful, at the present time indigenous still lacking support from the government even though the government has support in some area.In conclusion, education and training problem are the biggest factors outcomes for indigenous people and this affected indigenous income and living standard as well. The low skills and knowledge you have mean the indigenous employment are not valuable to work. Therefore, education and training are an important factor for indigenous labour force in Australia market. As mention, they’re a barrier between indigenous and non-indigenous people as indigenous people have fewer opportunities and compare to non-indigenous people, in term of earning their income indigenous people has earned less due to lacking knowledge and skills training than non-indigenous people. While non-indigenous people have earned more income due to meet a standard national requirement. this barrier should break-down between indigenous and non-indigenous so they can have an equal right earning. Lastly according to improvement for indigenous people are a need to retention at education as the grestest priority government need to focus on is to promote a larger employment equity among Australians economy.

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