
墨尔本arts assignment代写 暴风雨

莎士比亚的《暴风雨》(The Tempest)突出了伊丽莎白时代女性独立性的缺失。这是通过关键的单身女性说话的角色,米兰达,谁是社会保护和保护她的父亲普洛斯彼罗。因此,她无法体验与男人的简单互动,因为费迪南德是“她从未见过的第三个人”。这是严格的父权社会的代表,在父权社会中,男性必须“服从和注意”,从而支配和阻碍女性的自由。因此,米兰达的顺从让她与情人费迪南德找到了幸福,这与《奥赛罗》中莎士比亚笔下的角色苔丝狄蒙娜形成了鲜明的对比,苔丝狄蒙娜最终必须死于对伊丽莎白时代社会规范的反抗,在那里她“背叛”了她的父亲。也许莎士比亚是在暗示,顺从男性上级的女性会成功地找到爱情和幸福,而叛逆的女性将无法在社会中生存。虽然米兰达可能认为她是出于自愿爱上了费迪南德,但这只是另一个男性操纵的例子,因为她的父亲精心安排了他们的“不谈”,相当狡猾地对观众说:“还会继续”,他的计划正在展开。Grindlay暗示米兰达和费迪南都只是“扮演普洛斯彼罗指定给他们的角色的演员”,[1]使用他的超自然能力,让他控制米兰达,因为她变得“想睡觉”。权力的不平衡也很明显,因为普洛斯彼罗支配了他与他的女儿之间的对话的大部分。这进一步表明,妇女没有得到一种意见,她们被期望遵循她们父亲和丈夫的期望。然而,也许莎士比亚有意让米兰达在与费迪南德的对话中有更多的对话,暗示年轻一代的变化,让女性更自由。与抑制刻板的胆小角色相反,米兰达自由地讨论她的“谦虚”,声称缺乏性经验,这将是一个禁忌的话题,她的慷慨震惊了观众。正是通过米兰达与费迪南德的会面,她才得以发展成为一个角色,变得更有表现力。

墨尔本arts assignment代写:暴风雨

Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ highlights the lack of female independence in the Elizabethan era, the time of which the play was performed. This is through the pivotal single female speaking character, Miranda, who is socially guarded and protected by her father Prospero. She is therefore unable to experience simple interactions with men as Ferdinand was the “third man [she] e’er saw”. This is representative of the strict patriarchal society where men dominated and prevented the freedom of a woman as they must “obey and be attentive”. It is therefore Miranda’s obedience which allows her to find happiness with her lover Ferdinand, contrasting ‘Othello’s’ Shakespearean character Desdemona who must ultimately die due to her rebellion to the norms of the Elizabethan Society, where she “betrayed” her father. Perhaps Shakespeare is suggesting that women who conform to their male superiors will succeed in finding love and happiness, whilst those who rebel will not survive in society.Though Miranda may believe she fell in love with Ferdinand on her own accord, this is just another example of male manipulation as her father orchestrated their meeting “aside”, quite cunningly addressing to the audience “it goes on”, his plan unfolding. Grindlay suggests both Miranda and Ferdinand are merely “actors playing the parts that Prospero has assigned them”[1], using his supernatural abilities, allowing him to control Miranda as she becomes “inclin’d to sleep”. The power imbalance is also evident as Prospero dominates the majority of the dialogue between his conversations with his daughter. This further implies that women were not granted an opinion and were expected to follow the expectations of their fathers and husbands. However, perhaps Shakespeare purposely allows Miranda to have more dialogue in her conversation with Ferdinand to suggest a changing movement in the younger generation that allows women to be more liberal. As opposed to inhibiting a stereotypical timid persona, Miranda freely discusses her “modesty”, claiming a lack of sexual experience which would have been a taboo topic, her liberality shocking the audience. It is through Miranda’s meeting with Ferdinand that allows her develop as a character and become more expressive.

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