
Commerce代写:Effect Of Motivation On Employees Productivity


This study is to examine the effect of motivation on productivity and what factors motivate the employees. The valuable variable of this study is motivation in which i have to analyze the effect or variation of other variable, Here median is 5 and range is 4 which represents maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that motivation effects on productivity. As far as recognition is concerned that it enhances productivity, recognition having medians “5” and range “4” which represents maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that Recognition enhances motivational level & bring positive impact on employees performance. In analyzing the promotion effects on productivity, having median “5” which represents majority of employee are strongly agree that If they get promotion, they will be highly motivate to perform well, and the range is 4 which represents maximum employees are very highly motivate with promotion and minimum employees are very low motivated. Self control or in other words employee ownership gives better results as compare to dictatorship because if we give them a feeling of self control or power to take decisions and do work with their own style they will become more innovative, creative and productive rather than in comparison, dictatorship does not lead to high productivity because employees feel restricted which led down their morale. Self control having median “5” and range “4”, which represents maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that Self control motivate employees and help them to enhance their performance. Challenging job is also another important variable which motivates the employees because in challenging jobs they have to face difficult tasks, different challenges and problems which effect their interest, work involvement and desire. Here, Median is 5 and range is 4, which represents maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that the Challenging job motivates them in order to improve performance. Reward represents something given or received in return or recompense for service, merit, hardship, etc. When employees work effectively and complete their tasks according to the expectations then manager should give them some rewards to encourage them and to boost their morale for next task. If management does not appreciate the hardworking or tasks achieving employees and negotiate their efforts then they won’t perform well in next time. Here, the median is 5 and range is 4 which shows that maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that Rewards effects the motivational level of employees which leads them towards high productivity. Compensation pays to the employee for which they are hired. Compensation has median “5” and range “4” has found which shows that maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that compensated employees are motivated which leads to high productivity. During the survey i have asked a question to the employees that performance appraisal activities helps them to be motivate in order to lead high productivity because performance appraisal is a very important tool to effect employees efficiency and effectiveness. Hence the median “5” and the range “4” which represents that maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that Performance appraisal creates the motivation which leads to high productivity. The factor that motivates them to lead high productivity because the above seven variables are equally important and have equal significance but every respondent has its own opinion so i have analyzed that emplyees wants promotion in their work place to be motivate because most employees have chosen promotion to their personal motivation 13% employees has chosen Recognition, 33% employees has chosen Promotion, 12% employees has chosen Challenging Job, 07% employees has chosen Self Control, 16% employees has chosen Rewards, 14% employees has chosen Compensation and 5% employees has chosen Performance Appraisal to be motivate for high productivity. Here, the mode is “2” which represents that most of the employees prefer Promotion to be motivated and Promotion leads to high productivity. Further study has given further clarification about personal preferences regarding factor. In this study i have asked to employees that are they agree with the above selected factor to motivate them for high productivity?. The outcome has come in the shape of median which is 5 and range is 4 which proves that maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that the above selected factor is enough to motivate their selves for high productivity and they don’t need anything inspite of promotion. Every organization must motivate their employees to achieve its goals but some organizations seems to be succeed in order to motivate them or some are not, and obviously entire employees are not motivated with the provided motivational techniques of the organization because the nature of every employee is different. Employee satisfaction having median “5” and range “4” which represents that maximum employees are strongly agree and minimum employees are strongly disagree that they are satisfy with the motivational techniques that are providing by their organizations. First I have designed a model in which I have taken Motivation as a dependent variable and recognition, promotion, challenging job, self control, rewards, compensation, performance appraisal and employee satisfaction have taken as an independent variable. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient and regression equation has analyzed to covariances and relationship among the variables to evaluate the effect of motivation on employee’s.

MTit = α0 + β1* REC it + εit —– eq. (1) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* PR it + εit —– eq. (2) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* CJ it + εit —– eq. (3) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* SC it + εit —– eq. (4) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* REW it + εit —– eq. (5) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* COM it + εit —– eq. (6) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* PA it + εit —– eq. (7) (Model 1)

MTit = α0 + β1* ES it + εit —– eq. (8) (Model 1)

MT is Motivation, REC is Recognition, PR is Promotion, CJ is Challenging Job, SC is Self Control, REW is Rewards, COM is Compensation, PA is Performance Appraisal and ES is Employee Satisfaction.

 Commerce代写:Effect Of Motivation On Employees Productivity


This study defines the motivation effects on Employees performance which affects the productivity. From the review of the study, certain conclusions could be made that there is strong positive relationship between Motivation and productivity. Hence the Pearson’s coefficient of correlation has shown that the Recognition, Promotion, Challenging job, Self Control, Rewards, Compensation and Performance appraisal having strong positive relationship with Motivation effects on productivity & clarified the variation as well as valuable to have predictions. I have performed multiple regression which is use to know the combine effect in reasons of Motivation effects on productivity which is the reflection of total sample as you can see in (Table 4.1) and the combination of equation (from eq.1 to eq.8) which has predictor i.e. Recognition, promotion, challenging jobs, self control, reward, compensation, performance appraisal & employee satisfaction. R= 0.954 which is extremely correlated which predicts motivation extremely best, where R denotes multiple correlation coefficient and R square = 0.911 means 91.1% of the variation in motivation can be predicted by the combinations of Recognition, promotion, challenging jobs, self control, reward, compensation, performance appraisal & satisfaction and the adjusted R Square = 0.900, F11,88 = 81.758 and p = 0.000 represents the significance level which is less than 0.05 (p<0.05).

MT = 0.438-0.306REC+0.822PR+0.094CJ-0.172SC+0.688REW 0.175COM+ 0.288PA – 0.331ES __ eq. (9)

The findings and conclusions of this study, the subsequent recommendations are accessible in an endeavor to motivate employees for high productivity: (1) Current employees of the organization must be recruited first rather than external hired. (2) Conduct meetings with each employees of the department once a month in order to recognize and measure their performances. Particular names and triumphs should be confered in meetings. (3) Employees must not be forced for overtime. (4)The motivation level of the employees must be monitored. (5)The coordination among the employees and management must be developed. (6) Send performance appraisal report & Performance report of the organization to every employee. Particularly, record how much revenue every branch generates on a monthly basis. As well as recognize successful performance and outstanding employees. Let workers distinguish what areas require developments and how they can assist the organization in order to achieve its goals. (7) Encourage chief executives to visit the different departments on a weekly basis to ensure that they have not forgetten their emplyees. (8) Let each employee involve in decision making and propose them with more efficient ways to get things done.

 Commerce代写:Effect Of Motivation On Employees Productivity
