
澳洲health assignment代写:护理计划和设计

在管理过程中,仔细考虑过程中的个人是很重要的。为了促进居民的参与,组织需要反映出它是根据用户的一致需求和期望的结果来规划服务的,而不是让一个人适应它提供的服务。护理计划的设计和内容可能会有所不同。但重要的是要正确地确定期望的结果。在制定护理计划时,应考虑日常生活的所有方面,并从收集重要来源的信息开始。让用户参与这个过程是很重要的。为了提供更好的服务,居民必须参与护理计划的6个阶段。(Thomas, Mason, & Ford)需求评估:通过商定日期和时间,解释它是如何工作的,并确保工作人员从护理规划过程的早期阶段就能让用户参与进来,从而让用户参与进来。制定护理计划:在制定护理计划时应考虑到居民的意见、期望和担忧。工作人员需要确保居民清楚地理解了这个过程。干预和支持:一旦商定了目标,工作人员就需要开始执行计划。为了获得最佳的最终结果,必须考虑与用户进行的谈判。监控和审查:鼓励用户提供反馈是必要的。注意所取得的进展并考虑到任何弱点也是重要的。一揽子计划的法定审查:居民的意见很重要;它还涉及外部机构的观点。目标设定共识:居民应全面参与未来目标设定过程。应该鼓励用户分享他所取得的成就。本组织需要对这些阶段进行反思,并应确保对这些问题有明确的了解。流程应该有一些选项来监视进度并做出相应的更改。如果最初的计划不奏效,你可以尝试不同的方法。这样,个人就会更多地参与进来。

澳洲health assignment代写:护理计划和设计

In managing the process, it is central to carefully consider the individual in the process. To promote participation of residents, the organization needs to reflect that it is planning a service around the agreed upon needs and desired outcomes of the user rather than fitting a person into the service it offers. The design and content of the care plan might vary. But it is important to correctly identify the desired outcomes. All aspects of daily living should be considered while preparing a care plan, and the process should start by gathering information from important sources. It is important to involve the user in the process. Involvement of the residents in the 6 stages of care planning is essential in order to provide better service. (Thomas, Mason, & Ford) Need Assessment: Involving the user by agreeing dates and times, explaining how it works and ensuring the staff will involve the user from the early stage of the care planning process.Developing the care plan: The opinions, expectations and worries of the residents should be considered while developing the care plan. The staff will need to make sure the resident has clearly understood the process.Intervention and support: Once the goals have been agreed upon, the staff will need to start on implementation of the plan. Ongoing negotiations with the user must be considered in achieving the best end result.Monitoring and review: Encouraging the users to provide feedback is essential. It is also important to note the progress made and take into account any weaknesses.Statutory review of the package: The residents view is important; it also involves the view of outside agencies.Agreement on goal setting: The residents should be full involved in future goal setting process. The user should be encouraged to share what he has achieved.The organization needs to reflect on these stages and clear understanding of the issues should be ensured. The process should have options to monitor progress and make changes accordingly. There should be the option of trying something different if the initial plan doesn’t work. This way the individual will be more involved.
