

然而,在1964个教学社会科学协会(ATS)成立于伦敦大学教育学院,是学校推进社会科学教学。研究对象包括社会学、经济学和政治学。在这段时间里,Bernard Crick对讨论中学政治的方法和对学生的益处很感兴趣。凯恩斯、加德纳和Lawton(2004第11页)看了这进一步的在某个阶段,所有的年轻人。..应该了解政治是什么。克里克后来成为课程项目的资助汉萨德学会呼吁政治素养,产生一个报告的计划活动:政治教育和政治素养”(中文译名,1978)”。由于当时政府的改变,这份报告无法出版,否则英国就可以在课程中看到公民教育。凯恩斯、加德纳和Lawton(2004第11页)状态:“不幸的是,在1979个政府的改变,防止任何立即行动:大多数的保守派们则怀疑政治教育“公民教育”可能会被更多的人接受”。在1990,青年人对政治缺乏兴趣,因此政府不得不介入,采取措施解决这个问题。因此,政府引入公民教育,让孩子更多地了解政治活动,因为一些统计资料显示,第一次选民的原因,在选举中不投票。Crick报告(1998,第15页)指出:“森调查在1997三月的世界上第一次投票的选民的新闻发现,28 %的人说他们不会投票或不太可能,百分55的说他们不感兴趣或不被打扰,17分表示,它不会任何区别,10的受访者称,他们不相信任何政治家。我同意这个说法,因为今天有些人在选举中不投票。因此,如果孩子们在选举过程中学会了政治和投票的重要性,他们可能会通过公民权得到更好的理解。


However, in 1964 the Association for Teaching the Social Sciences (ATSS) was founded at the Institute of Education, University of London, which was to promote social science teaching in schools. The subjects included in this were sociology, economics, and political science. During this time Bernard Crick was interested in discussing ways of getting politics in secondary schools and the benefits of this for the pupils. Cairns, Gardner, and Lawton (2004 p.11) have looked at this further ‘At some stage all young people . . . should gain some awareness of what politics is about’. Crick later became active in a curriculum project financed by the Hansard Society called the Programme for Political Literacy that produced a report: ‘Political Education and Political Literacy’ (Hansard, 1978)’. Due to a change in government at that time prevented this report from being published otherwise the UK could have seen citizenship education in the curriculum. Cairns, Gardner, and Lawton (2004 p.11) state: ‘unfortunately, the change of government in 1979 prevented any immediate action: most Conservatives were then suspicious of political education – ‘citizenship education’ might have been more acceptable’. Significantly in the 1990’s, there was a concern over the lack of interest towards politics by the youth, so the government had to intervene and do something to solve this problem. As a result, the government introduced citizenship education to give children more awareness of political activities, as some statistical information, showed reasons why first-time voters, do not vote during elections. The Crick report (1998, p.15) stated: ‘A MORI survey for the News of the World in March 1997 on first-time voters found that 28 percent said they would not vote or were unlikely to, 55 percent said that they were not interested or could not be bothered, 17 percent said that it would not make any difference, and 10 percent said they did not trust any politicians’. I agree with this statement because some people today do not vote during elections. So if the children are taught the importance of politics and voting during elections, they may get a better understanding through citizenship.

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