

许多公立学校和私立学校都是交换他们的教室和课堂管理协同教学团队的做法(CTT)。合作教学团队由两名教师,一名普通教育教师和另一名特殊教育教师组成。他们一起计划他们的教育战略课程和课堂管理,以满足学生的需要,其中包括有特殊需要的学生。这些特殊的需要也可能包括英语作为第二语言(ESL)和/或英语学习者。有些老师赞成改变,有些人反对。正当化协同教学团队(CTT),许多研究文章写说服教师协同教学团队是成功的。在这篇文章中,两个研究文章的替代评估的特殊需要的学生从完善的期刊选择,以证实或不支持使用协作教学团队。虽然两变评价研究的文章不充实这一战略的教育方法的使用,文章将对铁通的一些见解或倡议。 第一条,“教师的看法和评价结果的有效性的另一个学生具有明显的认知障碍”的Andrew T. Roach,Stephen N. Elliott,和Sandra Berndt写的,侧重分析了测量老师的看法,对替代性评价为有特殊需要的学生。研究者对教师的影响的替代评估的结果当给有特殊需要的学生的关注(蟑螂,埃利奥特,Berndt,2007)。研究人员关注的是当教师不得不花时间和花费所谓的“额外的能量”来管理替代评估时的态度。当特殊需要的学生不能采取学术评估的替代评估。替代评估(AA)必须符合国家的标准之前,管理学生。


Many public schools and private schools are switching their classrooms and classroom managements to collaborative teaching team approach (CTT). Collaborative teaching teams consist of two teachers, one general education teacher, and the other, a special education teacher. Together, they plan their educational strategic lessons and classroom management to address the needs of their students, which included students with special needs. These special needs may also include English as Second Language (ESL) and/or English Language Learners (ELL) students. Some teachers are for the change and others are against it. To justified collaborative teaching teams (CTT), many research articles were written to persuade teachers that collaborative teaching teams are successful. For this article, two research articles about alternative assessment for special needs students from well-established journals were chosen to substantiate or not substantiate the use of collaborative teaching teams. Although two research articles about alterative assessment will not substantiate the use of this strategic educational approach, the articles will give some insight for or against the CTT initiative.The first article, “Teacher perceptions and the consequential validity of an alternate assessment for students with significant cognitive disabilities” written by Andrew T. Roach, Stephen N. Elliott, and Sandra Berndt, focused on the analysis of measuring the teacher’s perception in regards to the alternative assessment for special need students. Researchers were concern about how the teachers’ perception affects the outcome of the alternative assessment when given to special needs students (Roach, Elliott, Berndt, 2007). The researchers were concern about the attitudes teachers develop when they have to take the time and spend the so-called ‘extra energy’ to administer the alternative assessments. Alternative assessments are given when the special needs students are not able to take the academic assessments. The alternative assessment (AA) must meet the state’s standards before being administered to students.
