

第二类恐惧症的社交恐惧症和社交焦虑症。社交恐惧症是一种最微妙的恐惧症识别因为社交恐惧症不是众所周知的社区或医疗卫生专家。社交恐惧症的特点是当一个人说不出的焦虑和极端的意识在他们的日常生活。此外,患有社交恐惧症的人急切的,集中,缓解焦虑当一个人看着他们,这让他们感到不适甚至苦恼自己的行为。此外,受教育程度,职业和日常生活活动是不能克服的恐惧和焦虑困扰的患者。患者往往害怕和不合理的行为当他们工作,因为他们经常感到尴尬和他们的同事打交道,因为他们不能征服他们的焦虑在可怕的状态。社交恐惧症患者的症状通常遇到紧张的时候说话,创建尴尬的情况下,导致害羞、恐慌,摇摇欲坠,抑郁症。因此,这就是为什么患者会丧失能力,使他们有更少的同伴和他的同事们。社交恐惧症的原因是结构牵连到患者的大脑和叫做杏仁核。这种结构在大脑中管理焦虑和恐惧反应在人类的大脑。有两种类型的药物用于治疗社交恐惧症,他们指定的药物治疗和认知行为疗法是一种短期精神病治疗。类似于广场恐怖症药物将取决于严重的焦虑,而将认知-行为疗法是一种强制治疗,治疗社交恐惧症是非常有用的。治疗包括三个步骤,第一步是识别的东西吓唬患者,第二步是培训他们去克服它,最后,第三步教他们使用技巧,比如深呼吸和社会技能培训来增加他们的信心,自我保障和克服他们的恐惧,而社交。此外,最常见的年龄组社交恐惧症的患者是在18岁- 54岁,据预测,每一年,3.7%的美国人有社交恐惧症,和75%的患者为女性。(托马斯·a·理查兹,1997)


The second category of phobia is the Social phobia or social anxiety. Social phobia is the trickiest types of phobia to identify because social phobia is not well known by the community or by medical and health care experts. The characteristic of the social phobia is when a person is overpowered by anxiety and extreme awareness in their daily life. In addition, people with social phobia have importunate, concentrated, unrelieved anxiety when a person watches them; it makes them feel discomfort and even mortified by their own act. Additionally, education, occupation and daily life activities are troubled by the fear and anxiety that cannot be overcome by the sufferers. The sufferers are often afraid and act unreasonably when they work because they often feel awkward socializing with their colleagues, since they cannot conquer their anxiousness in the dreaded state. The symptoms that social phobia sufferers usually encounters are nervousness when they speak, creating awkward situations, which leads to shyness, panic, being shaky, and depression. Hence, this is why sufferers can be much incapacitated, causing them to have fewer companions and colleagues. The cause of social phobia is the structure which implicates the sufferer’s brain and is called Amygdala. It is a structure in the brain that manages anxiety and fear reaction in human’s brain. There are two kinds of medication used in treating social phobia; they are specified medication and cognitive-behavioral therapy which is a short- term psychiatric therapy. Similar to agoraphobia the medication will depend on how severe is the anxiousness, while the cognitive-behavior therapy is a compulsory treatment that is very useful in treating social phobia. The therapy consist of three steps; the first step is to identify the things that scare the sufferers, the second step is to train them to overcome it, and lastly, the third step teaches them to use techniques such as deep breathing and social skills training to increase their confidence, self assurance and to overcome their fear while socializing. Moreover, the most common age group for social phobia’s sufferers is between 18 – 54 years old and it is predicted that every year, 3.7% of the United States population has social phobia, and the 75% of the sufferers are female. (Thomas A. Richards, 1997)

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