

在这种不确定的情况下,我相信我的学生或其他任何“教师”(哈里森等,2005,p.420)必须找到自己在努力克服怀疑周围的想法,在一次训练学理论可能不是最终产品,可以使用在专业教学(尚德里,2007,p. 213)。这种深刻的思想是一个教师,作为一个学习的导师,我坚信“指导”能够补充专业发展(哈里森等,2006,p.1057)帮助构思实践新想法的更多知识和经验的人谁会启动支持和鼓励反思与监督学习的作用在一个缺乏经验的和有知识的人,从而有利于人的职业和个人发展(罗伯特,2000,p.162)。同样,霍布森(2002)和汤姆林森(1995)也提到,指导已经越来越认可并应用于在过去的二十年中校本实践的新教师培训但它,尽管这种增加活动一个值得商榷的问题,有关于辅导效果有限的证据(哈里森等,2006,p.1056)。指导实践尚未正式在毛里求斯中学,但它一直在支付研究局报告指出(2008),任何开始教学必须遵循一六个月的理论课,导致教育者的许可。但是,这仍然是一个传统的方法,旧的和更多的经验教师起到指导教师的作用(哈里森等,2006,第1062页)。在这项任务的后续章节中,我将展示我作为培训导师的弱点和力量,以及我在这次经历中遇到的困难。


In such uncertain circumstance, I believe that my mentee or any other “beginning teachers” (Harrison et al, 2005, p.420) must be finding themselves struggling to surmount the doubt surrounding the idea that theories learnt during a training might not be the final product which one can use in the professional teaching (Sundli,2007, p. 213). With such abstruseness in mind of a teacher, as a learning mentor, I firmly believed that ‘mentoring’ would be able to complement the professional development (Harrison et al, 2006, p.1057) and help to conceptualise new ideas of practice by a more knowledgeable and experienced person who would actuate a supportive role of overseeing and encouraging reflection and learning within a less experienced and knowledgeable person, so as to facilitate that persons’ career and personal development (Robert, 2000, p.162). Likewise, Hobson,(2002) and Tomlinson (1995) also cited that mentoring had been increasingly acknowledged and used in the training of new teachers in school-based practice in the last two decades but it is a debatable issue that despite this increase in activity, there is limited evidence about the effectiveness of mentoring (Harrison et al, 2006, p.1056). Mentoring practice has not yet been formalized in secondary schools of Mauritius, but it has been stated in the Pay Research Bureau Report (2008), that any beginning teaching must follow six months of theory course leading to an Educator’s Licence. But nonetheless, it has been traditional methods that the old and more experienced teachers play the role of a guidance for the beginning teachers (Harrison et al, 2006, p. 1062). In the subsequent paragraphs of this assignment, I will expose my weaknesses and strength as a training mentor as well as the difficulties that I came across in this experience.

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