

这种哲学部分可以通过主人公在小说中听到的祖父的话语来体现。他的祖父们是一种唱“是”的哲学。从表面上看,这种哲学可能被认为是黑人屈从于白人统治的一种表现。然而对祖父来说,这是一种生存方式。就像Murray说的,在糟糕的情况下做到最好。在一个黑人社区被认为比白人社区低等的世界里,很难想象一场全面的进攻会如何帮助决定平等。事实上,如果黑人对白人发动全面进攻,黑人就会变得贫穷、无助和饥饿。这种顺从的表现是祖父们即将离开的智慧的一部分。这种智慧促使我们的主人公以防御而不是进攻的方式战斗,因为这将是富有成效的结果。这将通过和你的头住在狮子的嘴,我希望你能克服“em是的,破坏啦,笑容,同意啦,死亡和毁灭,让‘em swoller你直到他们呕吐或裂开’Although没有完全理解的主要主角的祖父,而斯芬克斯像谜题的建议,虽然似乎是征服的是生存的一种手段。通过敦促他的孙子说“是”,他没有敦促他向白人低头,而是坚持自己的主张。他说“是”是因为他知道他有能力说“不”。他的“是”是一种尊严的表现,表明他是一个自由的人,而不是一个奴隶,这是一种生存的方式。祖父并不是唯一一个为了生存而不得不说“好”的人。Bledsoe是另一个致力于将整个白人种族‘yes’致死的角色。然而,布莱德索和祖父的不同之处在于,布莱德索完全是出于自私。这是伯纳德W。贝尔说,埃里森最终是在暗示。“. .强迫个人主义在一个基于平等主义和种族主义相互冲突原则的自由放任社会体系中的危险。


Such a philosophy can be partly seen through the grandfather’s words that the protagonist hears echoing through out the novel. His, the grandfathers, was a philosophy of yes-sing them. Such a philosophy may be on the surface regarded as a show of submission by the black man to the white mans dominance. Yet to the grandfather it was a way of survival. A way of like Murray says making the best out of a bad situation. In a world where the black community was regarded as lowly and inferior to the white community it is hard to see how a full on offensive would have helped in determine equality. In fact a full on offensive by the black man towards the white man would have left the black man poor, helpless and hungry. This show of submission is part of the grandfathers departing wisdom. A wisdom that urges our protagonist to fight in a defensive rather than offensive mode as this would be the fruitful result. This would be achieved by Live with your head in the lions mouth, I want you to overcome ‘em with yess, undermine’em with grins, agree’em to death and destruction, let ‘em swoller you till they vomit or bust open’Although not completely understood by the main protagonist the grandfather had imparted a rather sphinx like riddle of an advice that although appeared to be that of subjection was actually a means of survival. By urging his grandson to say yes he in not urging him to bow down to the white man but rather assert himself. He is saying ‘yes’ knowing that he has the power to say ‘no’. His ‘yes’ is a show of dignity, a statement stating that he is agreeing as a free man, not as a slave, and that that ‘yes’ is a means of survival. The grandfather is not the only one to have picked up on this idea of having to say ‘yes’ in order to survive. Bledsoe is another character who aims to ‘yeses’’ the entire white race to death. Yet the difference between Bledsoe and the grandfather is that Bledsoe does it through complete selfishness. This is the danger that as Bernard W.Bell says Ellison is ultimately implying. ‘..the danger of compulsive individualism in a laissez-faire social system based on the conflicting principles of egalitarianism and racism.’
