




尼泊尔被认为是世界上最贫穷和最落后的国家之一,它试图从自己的灰烬中重生,在目睹了一个10年的内战后,由于毛泽东主义的叛乱,停止在2006。由于国际非政府组织之间的合作,与尼泊尔国家在人权领域的逐步恢复和发展了近六年,从而导致重大变化和一般的政治生活的发展。特别是在2008,尼泊尔就从政治不稳定的联邦民主共和国为UCPN [ 1 ]与尼泊尔政府同意结束与冲突。因此,保证了一个和平的政府,根据注册会计师,[ 2 ]承诺建立基本的人权和自由,以及平等。



虽然人权捍卫者和INGO [ 3 ],是需要立即作出反应,仍有支持的迫切需要,为更好地保护儿童的需求。他们中的大多数人生活在不安全和不稳定面临进一步侵犯他们的权利的风险。因此,应考虑突出目前的情况。


The purpose of this report is to assess the issues surrounding childrens human rights in Nepal by criticising their status in conjunction with the applicable International Treaties. Furthermore the report aims to provide an overview regarding any violations occurred during and after the armed conflict by providing information from statistical data, findings and paradigms particularly focusing on their health status, sexual exploitation, forced labour and education.

It also examines whether Nepal has complied with the provisions of International Conventions, as well as whether NGO.s has given any attention towards the crisis sustained in Nepal.

Nepal is considered to be one of the poorest and undeveloped countries in the world, which tries to be reborn from its own ashes, after witnessing a 10 year internal violent civil war, due to the Maoist insurgency, which ceased in 2006. Due to the collaboration between INGO,s and the Nepalese state a gradual recovery and progress in the human rights domain is witnessed during the last six years, which then led to significant changes and developments in the political life in general. Specifically in 2008, Nepal went from political instability to a Federal Democratic Republic as the UCPN-M [1] had agreed with the Nepalese government to come to an end with the conflict. Thus was guaranteed a peaceful government according to CPA, [2] giving commitments towards establishing fundamental human rights and freedoms as well as equality.

There have been both national and international assurances for combating human rights violations. Unfortunately these continue to occur, since Nepal faces the aftershocks of the crisis.

Arguably the armed conflict has stigmatised the most vulnerable group and has irreparably injured their souls. Children were victimised and faced ostracism from their houses, were forced to be soldiers and arbitrarily detained by the government. Others were subjected to sexual abuse, ill-treatment or even torture. Their health status was deteriorated and their right to be educated deprived.

Though human rights defenders and INGO’s [3] responded immediately to the needs that arose, there is still an imperative need for support, as children demand better protection. Most of them live under insecurity and instability facing risks of further violations of their rights. Thus is due consideration to highlight the current situation.

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